If you see this error “Oops! Something went wrong. This page didn’t load Google Maps correctly. See the JavaScript console for technical details.” in place of maps on your website. This error has become a lot more common since Google Maps started requiring an API key on June 22, 2016 (after about 10 years of allowing keyless use). If you started using Google Maps on your website on or after that date then you will need to sign up for and implement an API key (older users still do not need a key).

Google has not made setting up an API key a very user-friendly process. Their interface is geared towards developers. As such, many users have trouble correctly creating a key. This guide is not just for our WordPress theme and plugin users but for anybody on the Internet who wants to know how to fix the “This page didn’t load Google Maps correctly” error on their website.

Find the Cause of “This page didn’t load Google Maps correctly”

First, let’s find out exactly why the “This page didn’t load Google Maps correctly” error is showing. There are multiple things that can cause it but fortunately, Google gives us a way to learn the specific reason. This helps us know what to do to fix it. Notice the last part of the error says to open the JavaScript console for “technical details”. That’s what we need.

Oops! Something went wrong. This page didn’t load Google Maps correctly. See the JavaScript console for technical details.

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You can open the JavaScript console in your browser with a few keystrokes. There is an excellent answer on StackOverflow that tells you plainly how to open the JavaScript console in different browsers. After doing that, you should be able to find an entry looking something like this.

Google Maps Console Error

Listed below are the most common errors reported by our users.

Fix the “This page didn’t load Google Maps correctly” Error

Now that you know exactly what is causing the error, you can fix it. Here are fixes for the most common Google Maps API errors shown in the console.

How to Fix MissingKeyMapError

MissingKeyMapError means you are not using an API key and will need to sign up for one then configure your website to use it. Websites that started using Google Maps on or after June 22, 2016 require an API key in order for maps to show.

Create a Google Maps API Key

Follow these steps to create and implement a Google Maps API Key.

      1. Go to the Google Maps Platform welcome page then click Get Started. You may need to log in or create an account if you do not already have a Google Account.
      2. Google will ask you for some information. If it asks you to create a project, go ahead and do that (no worries if not). You must add a payment method even though Google gives you a very large amount of free credits every month. To date, none of our customers have reported needing to pay anything for Google Maps.
      3. You will then be asked to choose products. Choose Maps then click Enable then answer the short survey.
        Google Maps Products
      4. An API key will be generated and shown. Copy it to your clipboard with the button on the right then click Done.
        Google Maps API Key Copy
      5. Login to your WordPress admin area and paste the API key into your plugin then click Save Changes. Do not stop on this step. You still need to secure your key.
        Location Settings
      6. Return to the Overview on Google Maps Platform. Under Enabled APIs (you may need to scroll to see this), click View all APIs.
        Google Maps Enabled APIs
      7. Under Additional APIs, click Geocoding API then Enable.
        Enable Geocoding API
      8. Now choose Credentials in the menu to prevent other websites from using your key.
        Google Maps Credentials Link
      9. Click your “Maps API Key” and select HTTP referrers under Application restrictions.
        Google Maps API Restrictions
      10. Under Website restrictions, use ADD AN ITEM twice to add the two entries below (replacing yourname.com with your own domain).yourname.com/* *.yourname.com/*Google Maps API HTTP Referrers
      11. Click Save at the bottom and you’re done.

Note: Google says it can take up to 5 minutes for your key to become active. We’ve heard reports of it taking 30 minutes or longer. Keep this in mind if your maps do not show right away.

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How to Fix RefererNotAllowedMapError

RefererNotAllowedMapError is the most common error we’ve seen apart from not using a key. The console will also say, “Your site URL to be authorized”. It relates to Steps 9 and 10 above when creating your key. Here’s how to fix the error.

  1. Go to https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials
  2. Click your API key’s name to edit its settings.
  3. Under Application restrictions, make sure “HTTP referrers (web sites)” is selected and that you have added the two entries below (replacing yourname.com with your own domain). Both are necessary and be sure that have you appended /* to the end.yourname.com/*

    Google Maps API App & Web Restrictions
  4. Click the Save button then wait a few minutes for the change to take effect (Google says it can take up to 5 minutes).

Tip: If you have multiple projects, make sure you are working with the correct one by using the dropdown at the top.

How to Fix ApiNotActivatedMapError

Google Maps has more than a dozen different APIs. That’s a lot! The Google Maps JavaScript API is the most popular. Whichever API you are using, it’s possible that it is not enabled in your account. Let’s fix the ApiNotActivatedMapError error by enabling the API you’re using.

  1. Go to https://console.developers.google.com/apis/library
  2. Under “Maps”, click “View All” to see all API’s.
  3. Click the API you’re using. Our themes and plugins use the Maps JavaScript API, Maps Static API and Geocoding API. Your product may use something different but the JavaScript API is most common for a website.
  4. Click the Enable button at the top and wait a few minutes for the changes to take effect (Google says changes can take up to 5 minutes).
  5. Repeat for other API’s you’re using (remember, our themes and plugins use the Maps JavaScriptMaps Static and Geocoding API’s).

Tip: If you’re using a different product than ours, you may need to enable a different API. If you’re unsure which API to enable, you can try enabling all of them (or ask your provider).

How to Fix InvalidKeyMapError

InvalidKeyMapError simply means the key you implemented is wrong. In other words, you created it but did not enter it into your website correctly.

  1. Go to https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials
  2. Copy your key.
    Google Maps API Key
  3. If you’re using the Church Content plugin, go to Settings > Church Content > Locations and paste your key into the Google Maps API Key field then click Save Changes. Otherwise, do similar according to the product you’re using.
    Location Settings

How to Fix Other Errors

This guide covers the errors we’ve seen most commonly. There are other errors. To learn there causes and how to fix them, see the Google Maps API Error Messages documentation.

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It’s Still Not Working

Here are three things to check if you are still seeing the “This page didn’t load Google Maps correctly” error.

  1. Wait five minutes. Google says it can take up to five minutes for the changes to take effect. I have heard that it can take up to 30 minutes in some cases, but give it at least five minutes.
  2. Check the console again. Revisit the section above on identifying the cause of the error. It is possible that you had two errors to begin with but only solved one or that the one error remains because you did not tweak the settings correctly.
  3. Clear your cache. If you’re using a caching plugin, purge it’s cache. Otherwise, your key might not be used right away. It doesn’t hurt to clear your browser cache either.

If you’re one of our clients, please contact us for support and we’ll help get your maps working.

To make the long story short

We expect Google to improve the process of creating an API key now that they have made it a requirement for millions of non-developer users. Until then, we hope this guide will be helpful to many.

An increasing number of people utilize the Internet and web-based social media to access information about products and services. As a result, your businesses’ website is usually the first, and often the only, impression prospective clients get of what you are offering. It says who you are and what doing business with you will be like. That is why good website design and development isn’t just important, it is vital. A well-designed and up-to-date website can attract customers and boost income. Get it wrong and customers will move on to the next best offering.

What is good website design?

People are visual beings and a visually appealing website design is important, but good quality website design covers much more than the aesthetic appeal. The website’s design has an impact on the entire internet presence – from traffic and conversion rates to SEO and branding. Effective design is much more than creating a good looking website; it needs to be functional and incorporate the latest available technological features. Visitors need to find information on the products and services they’re searching for quickly and efficiently. Furthermore, the business wants visitors to stay on the site as long as possible, and ultimately take action. The website has to capture and engage the visitor, and importantly, delivers what it promises. In the end, optimal website design comes down to a harmonious merger of logic and original ideas.
The ease of use is a crucial element of good website design. There’s no point cramming everything onto a website if it leads to visitor frustration and irritation. Menus and buttons should be easily accessible and easy to understand. There may be a temptation to include loads of information, but people already suffer from information overload. Too much information can distract and confuse. It is important to include all the crucial information on the site, but sometimes less is more. An uncomplicated site that is designed from a user’s point of view, will deliver all the necessary information. It should also be quick to load since the speed of use is vital to retain customer interaction.

Web designers have to ensure that the layout of a site is logical and easy to navigate. Navigation buttons should be clearly visible at the top of the page and ordered in a logical manner. The correct use of colour is also important, it’s usually best to colour-code so that the various product or service ranges available are grouped together and easy to find. Good website design should ultimately be intuitive and rational. When visitors to the site can’t easily and quickly find what they’re looking for, the get frustrated and will often leave the site. When a business has a large website with many pages, the navigation is particularly important – it can literally make or break the site.

The website needs to be consistent with the business’ brand. The look and feel of your company website need to reflect that of your brand, how the business wants the world to see it. The website of a modern, vibrant business that targets a modern, vibrant consumer should reflect that. A business with an established brand should ensure that the website reflects the important aspects of that brand and adds to the overall marketing effort. Since an increasing number of users do business on mobile devices, it’s important that customers recognize the brand in all forms of communication; from mobile phones to print.

The future development and refinement of the site should be taken into account. A website is not a static thing and the designer should make allowance for ongoing refinement. The website will be an important part of the business’ growth and it should be able to develop and grow with the business. There should be sufficient capacity so that the future development of the site can be smooth and seamless.

Who should a business choose to develop and build their website?

There are a number of cost-effective, off-the-shelf web design products available, and there’s nothing wrong with using one. However, it is preferable to employ a competent and experienced website designer. They have experience, know what they’re doing and understand your particular business needs. The best possible website is a key feature in the future of the business. It just makes sense to choose carefully and find someone that can deliver what you need in order to prosper.

A business that manages to get its website design right will attract prospective customers to its website. They will stay that little bit longer because the website provides all the information they require, probably take action and ultimately become customers.

What we do at AfeesHost Web Hosting

AfeesHost Web Designers can help you with everything you need to get better online. We can handle your entire digital strategy, website, domain name registration, web hosting, profiles in social media, digital marketing and all the complicated technical details to successfully expand your online benefits.

We provide a managed web design service where we manage your site and keep it updated and secure on a regular basis.
Contact us if you have questions or need help! You can reach us by sending us an email with your questions: info[@]afeeshost.com or leave your contact information below and we will be back to you as soon as possible.